Color Terminology
Our most common colors and Reds and Apricots, but we occasionally
breed some of the other more rare colorings.
Scroll through photos below to see examples of each coloring. I've included photos of both young puppies and our puppies all grown up.
Red & Red Abstract
Abstract means white markings.
The more white, the more "abstract".

Apricot & Apricot Abstract
Abstract means white markings.
The more white, the more "abstract".

(pronounced BLEN-em)
Base coat is white, with Red/Apricot markings.

Black/Tan Phantom
Phantom is a pattern. It means that there is a different color in the eye brows and cheeks.
This is a black/tan phantom. White markings on this coloring is a Phantom Abstract

Black Tri-Color & Chocolate Tri-Color
White Base coat, with Phantom markings.
The chocolates have green/amber eyes!